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Welcome to Grief Help 


This site's intent is to:


Provide some basic help/guidance to people in mourning 

and to people who know someone mourning (so they have a clue how to act)

After losing the only woman I ever loved, I was shattered and completely lost. I attended support groups, met a grief counselor - and looked at a lot of web sites.  Frankly I felt most were too complicated or busy, trying to be all things to all people. I was already overwhelmed; I wondered "can't someone just give me some quick-hit advice on dealing with this??" And then got the idea of creating such a site...a smaller, simpler site.  I only try to hit on what I think are the most important things to keep in mind about grief up front, based on what I learned and wished I'd known sooner. 


Please understand I am not trying to say "this is how you should grieve."  In fact, I think that's rule #1:  there is no "the" way to deal with this. It's different for everyone.  


I'm sorry for any need you have for this site, but hope you can get something from it. I welcome any feedback, whether it's about the site or about dealing with grief in general. 


This site exists because of and is dedicated to Deborah Davis Jones.  

My full dedication to her is on the "Dedication" page (under "More" above).

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